Keep Your Property Well-Drained
Winter or right before the beginning of winter is the best time to get a foundation inspection for your house. The house foundation is one of the most expensive parts of a house to fix once it is damaged. A damaged house foundation can also significantly reduce the value of a house. Regular inspection and maintenance can prevent the headaches of having to deal with a damaged foundation. A foundation contractor will look for obvious signs of foundation problems or those that might lead to foundation problems such as :
Doors and Windows
One of the first signs of a compromised foundation is cracks and gaps around doors or windows. Doors and windows are essential cuts which are created through a wall weakening the walls. Any foundation movement below the walls will likely cause cracks. The most common signs around windows and doors which are indicative of foundation damage include cracks which extend from the corners of doors and windows and gaps between walls and frames of windows and doors. Misaligned doors and windows are also a sign of foundation problems.
Related: Prepare For Winter By Getting A Foundation Inspection
Exterior Of The House
The foundation inspector will also take a look at the exterior of the house to determine if it has any signs of foundation damage. The classic exterior sign of any foundation problems are the stair step cracks. Vertical signs which seem to widen as time goes by also means that your foundation is having problems. Cracks on the exterior walls of your foundation also indicate foundation problems.
Related: Prepare Your Gutters For Winter
Interior Of the House
The floors in the interior of your house can also be used to tell if your foundation is damaged. Sagging and bowing floors which cause gaps between the floor might mean foundation damage. Unleveled floors, can mean that one side of the house is sinking. Cracks on the interior walls and ceiling are an indication of foundation problems.
Related : How Landscaping Affects Your Foundation
Contact a professional foundation contractor if you want to prevent foundation damage to your house from rain.
Call California Foundation Works to schedule a free foundation inspection and estimate.