Hillside Foundation Repair

The greater Los Angeles area is a beautiful part of the country to live in, but it is not without its drawbacks. Homeowners need to keep their buildings secure since the threat of seismic activity is always looming. Hillside homeowners especially need to ensure that their structures are secure. Read on to discover everything to know about hillside foundation repair in L.A.

Related: How To Choose Foundation Repair Contractor

Hillside Retrofits & Repairs 101

Hillside foundation repair, hillside restoration, and hillside retrofits are beneficial procedures that help secure a hillside structure. Since a building is only as strong as its weakest link, it’s crucial to have your Los Angeles hillside structure properly secured before seismic activity hits. Hillside foundation repair requires professional experience and expert care.

hillside home

Hillside retrofits and repairs are particularly challenging, as contractors work to ensure that the foundation can support the full weight of the structure. Another concern is that the building will not slide off its foundation during an earthquake or extreme weather. That is why professional hillside retrofits are necessary for Los Angeles area homes.

Related: How To Inspect Your Home Foundation

Los Angeles Hillside Ordinance

Los Angeles homes that are wood structured or old are particularly susceptible to damage from natural disasters. In addition to earthquakes, homes in the L.A. area are vulnerable to other natural disasters. Buildings have buckled due to strong winds, storms, mudslides, and fires. The city of Los Angeles created a new ordinance to keep hillside residents safe.

Home repairs are no longer just necessary, they are required. Older hillside structures, those that contain wooden foundation aspects, or ones that have shown signs of weakness now require hillside restoration services. If you are a hillside homeowner in the L.A. area who has not received a seismic retrofit, it’s time to book a property inspection.

How To Spot Foundation Damage

Signs that your hillside home needs a seismic retrofit or hillside foundation repair include cracks in the structure, leaning chimneys, slanted structures, windows or doors that have difficulty opening, and signs of water intrusion. Floors, windows, and ceilings that are warped or buckling are also signs of potential foundation failure.

When it comes to assessing cracks in your hillside structure, those that are wide, horizontal, clustered close together, and clustered around door or window frames are particularly problematic. It’s necessary to book a home inspection if you notice potential signs of foundation problems. Attempting to fix the issue may lead to you concealing a bigger problem. Ignoring signs of foundation problems can quickly lead to more issues and higher costs.

Related: Types of House Foundation

hillside repair

Potential Hillside Home Dangers

Hillside foundation repair and hillside retrofits are crucial for maintaining a secure structure. Foundation issues damage the structural stability of the home. Not only does the greater Los Angeles area have a high risk of seismic activity, but hillsides present precarious areas to have a home if it is not properly retrofitted. Therefore, seismic retrofits are non-negotiable.

Seismic retrofits are necessary to ensure that the home can withstand the impact of an earthquake. Proper retrofitting will prevent the building from collapsing in on itself or sliding off the foundation. Hillside homes that do not have a seismic retrofit leave residents vulnerable to injury or even death. A building that is not adequately secured therefore jeopardizes both the residents and the property value.

Related: Earthquake Retrofit Overview

L.A. Hillside Foundation Repair Solutions

At California Foundation Works, it is our priority to secure your home and protect your loved ones. A professional team of hillside restoration experts can assess your hillside foundation repair situation. Factors such as soil quality play a huge role in determining the health of the foundation. After the initial inspection, we can devise a plan to secure your Los Angeles area hillside property.

Using caissons or piles is a popular L.A. area solution to stabilize a home during a hillside retrofit or foundation repair. Structural engineers can ensure that the load of the structure is transferred to one of these support options for maximum structural stability. Grade beams can also be used for reinforcement to transfer the load of the building to the ground as a form of support. Different repair solutions are offered based on the nature of the problem.

Why Us?

At California Foundation Works, we strive to keep homeowners in the greater Los Angeles area safe one building at a time. Our team of expert contracts carries years of field experience that we bring to every project. From hillside foundation repair to earthquake retrofits to installing a yard drainage system, we’re your one-stop-shop for all repair, retrofit, and renovation needs for commercial and residential buildings in the greater Los Angeles area.

Have you noticed cracks in your L.A. home foundation?

Are you concerned about the stability of your hillside home?

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