Many Los Angeles homeowners are reaping the benefits of Accessory Dwelling Units, known as ADUs, on their single-family residential lots. These compact living spaces are favored for housing loved ones, meeting expanding family needs, and being rented out for passive income while satisfying the need for affordable housing.
Discover how Senate Bill 9 affects ADUs for LA homeowners and increases the options for property owners.
Related: ADU Foundation Repair
New LA Regulations
Governor Gavin Newsom recently signed Senate Bills 9 and 10 into effect as part of the initiative to improve the housing crisis in California.
As an increasing number of people are having difficulty finding an affordable living space in California, ADUs have been used to meet the growing need for housing across the state.
SB 9 will allow certain single-family homeowners to split their lots and build a duplex on each side of the property or add a second home on the property to increase available housing space across California. What does the new law mean for ADUs? Under the new law, there can now be four total units built on qualifying properties with one ADU allowed on each side of the residential unit for a total of two ADUs per overall property.
Related: ADU Questions and Answers
Increased Homeowner Options
The new Senate bills provide a major advantage to Los Angeles homeowners. It is now possible for many single-family residential property owners to build more than one housing unit on their property. This creates far more housing flexibility for the state, while also putting control in the homeowner’s hands.
LA homeowners will have full control over the design of the units being built on their properties. They also have the option to sell the other home and select their future neighbor. Homeowners can also sell parts of their property now. Another option is to build an ADU on their property to both meet housing needs and earn extra income.
Los Angeles ADU Benefit
The new law was implemented to create more affordable housing space. Before the law, single-family residential lots were allowed one main structure, one ADU, and one Junior ADU per lot. The possibility to split one’s property now allows for an increase in property owner earnings, as ADU can be rented out for passive income. ADUs have become an important step in meeting California housing needs ADUs can also be used for other purposes.
Some homeowners choose to construct these self-sufficient units to house friends and family who need a place to stay, are traveling, or are dealing with hardship. Others turn to ADUs for quiet and convenient home office space. ADUs are also used as fitness studios, art studios, game rooms, family rooms, and leisure areas for homeowners. Having an ADU provides a property value advantage, while homeowners always have the option to rent the space out at any time.
Related: Can an ADU Be Rented?
New Law Technicalities
Many Los Angeles homeowners have been building ADUs and Junior ADUs on their properties to meet housing needs and increase their options. Now homeowners can decide if they want to split their properties. Homeowners or landlords who are interested in splitting their properties can apply through their local jurisdiction to upzone the land. However, they must plan to live on their property for a while.
Property owners will need to sign an affidavit saying that they will use one of the housing units as their primary residence for a minimum of three years after the property is split. All new units created under SB 9 must be used for residential purposes. As always, all ADUs and Junior ADUs must adhere to their specific rules and regulations. Meanwhile, SB 10 will allow for apartment complex density to be increased in urban areas and neighborhoods near mass transit.
Related: How to Make Income of Your ADU
Build Your LA ADU Today!
At California Foundation Works, we pride ourselves in being your one-stop-shop for all greater Los Angeles area construction needs. Our team provides premium services when it comes to home repairs, retrofits, renovations, and yard drainage system installation and maintenance. We value efficiency, communication, and quality in our home and yard services.
Our team at California Foundation Works has decades of pooled experience servicing homes in the greater LA area. Interested in incorporating an ADU in your property? We are happy to walk you through the entire process from the initial questions to securing all permits to the final touches. We collaborate closely with homeowners to capture their exact needs while adhering to regulations. Call today to discuss your options as an LA homeowner!
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