Picture this: you wake up, grab a warm cup of coffee and step outside to observe the new day. The last thing you want is to feel your feet sink into a messy pool of water. Not only can standing water be a nuisance to homeowners, but this unsavory predicament can damage the vegetation in your yard, in turn lowering your property value. Furthermore, water pooling can lead to moisture intrusion into your home, potentially threatening the integrity of your structure and foundation. Avoid dealing with the hassles caused by water damage by understanding why water pools in the first place and how to permanently deal with standing water.
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Why Does My Yard Have Standing Water?
If you find that your yard is filled with standing water, likely one of the top questions is why the water is pooling in the first place. When it comes down to it, the majority of standing water and water damage issues can be linked to drainage system failure. However, some standing water underlying issues can be addressed more easily than others. For example, if your yard is equipped with a sprinkler system, ensure that you are not using it too frequently and oversaturating your yard. Less frequent watering for shorter periods can help amend this issue.
![Standing-Water standing water](https://californiafoundationworks.com/wp-content/uploads/Standing-Water.jpg)
Minor maintenance and gardening habits can correct standing water in some cases, though more fundamental design flaws can lead to a more complicated cause and solution.Water pooling can occur due to several issues, such as problems with the grading, thatch, subsoil, and soil itself. Soil grading ensures proper drainage by keeping the yard leveled, with the slope directing the water away from the home. An improper angle could lead to water catching and pooling.
Additionally, the permeability of the yard plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of the yard drainage. Clogged laws, such as those littered with leaves, debris, or grass clippings, can interfere with the soil properly absorbing the water, in turn leading to standing water. The characteristics of the soil itself determine how well it will absorb water, with clay soils less likely to easily absorb moisture. Hard subsoil can also interfere with the ability of the ground to absorb water, which can happen naturally or due to construction compaction. Additionally, a high water table can cause water pooling issues. When the water level rises too close to the surface, standing water can collect in yards.
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What To Do About Standing Water
Luckily there are many solutions for dealing with standing water and preventing water damage from occurring. There is no right solution for every yard, as the best option will depend on the problem at hand. Reliable solutions for water pooling include re-grading, dethatching, breaking up soil, and more. Re-grading the area around the home and dethatching the yard can better angle the flow of yard water and prevent debris from clogging your drainage system. Yards without very permeable soil can benefit from breaking up the soil and adding organic matter to make the soil more absorbable. Digging up and breaking hardpan, or having this service performed professionally, can also help with ground absorption. Additionally, accommodations can be made to fix high water tables, while installing the right drainage system or fixing a damaged drainage system can enormously help alleviate standing water.
When Is Standing Water Most Likely?
Standing water is most likely to occur when there is an issue with your soil’s absorption rate or a problem with your current drainage system, so trust the professionals to deliver the drainage services needed to correct your property. However, there are more serious issues that can contribute to water pooling in the yard, which can be treated more easily. Leaves, twigs, debris, trash, and grass cuttings can all clog yard drains and interfere with the effectiveness of your drainage system. Therefore, it is very important to inspect your yard and clean debris. Dirt and debris are big culprits in clogging yard drains, though many professional contractors offer routine drainage cleaning for small fees if you do not wish to perform the task yourself. Additionally, low lying areas of the yard are more prone to standing water, which is why soil grading services can help homeowners with dealing with water pooling problems.
Standing Water Services Offered
When it comes to improving your yard drainage system, it’s always best to consult with a professional contractor. Trust the professionals to provide a thorough evaluation of your property and determine the best solution for your unique situation. When improperly installed, drainage systems can cause more water pooling failure or suffer from a much shorter life expectancy. To get the most comprehensive care for your yard, always have yard services and drainage installations done by professionals you can trust. Professional contractors can offer any standing water solution on the market, as well as a wide arrange of drainage system installation options to meet the exact needs of your yard.
Dangers of Standing Water
Stagnant water provides a visual eyesore for homeowners, neighbors, and prospective buyers. When water pooling occurs for periods, ornamental plants and grass can also suffer and die, further upsetting the aesthetic appeal of the yard. In addition to entering the home and potentially harming the foundation, standing water provides an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes and other pests. It is therefore in the homeowner’s best interest to deal with standing water as soon as it is noticed, which luckily can be done by providing a quick visual inspection of the yard. If simple maintenance changes do not correct the standing water issue, call a professional contractor to explore a permanent solution for your water damage.
Is standing water threatening the integrity of your yard? Are you sick of stepping in soggy puddles when you leave your house? Don’t overlook your home plumbing system. Address water damage problems today to keep your property healthy. Call California Foundation Works now to get started on creating your custom solution!
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